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Change reservation


Date:  Today | 
Time:  Now | 

Note: You are 4 hours ahead of server time.

Hold down “Control”, or “Command” on a Mac, to select more than one.
Indicates the intended project for this reservation. A missed reservation would be billed to this project.

Date:  Today | 
Time:  Now | 

Note: You are 4 hours ahead of server time.

Date:  Today | 
Time:  Now | 

Note: You are 4 hours ahead of server time.

Indicates that the reservation was made after the configuration deadline for a tool. Staff may not have enough time to properly configure the tool before the user is scheduled to use it.
Indicates that the reservation has been cancelled, moved, or resized.

Date:  Today | 
Time:  Now | 

Note: You are 4 hours ahead of server time.

Indicates that the tool was not enabled by anyone before the tool's "missed reservation threshold" passed.
Indicates that the user finished using the tool and relinquished the remaining time on their reservation. The reservation will no longer be visible on the calendar and a descendant reservation will be created in place of the existing one.
When checked, indicates that the user will perform their own tool configuration (instead of requesting that the staff configure it for them).
Shows a custom title for this reservation on the calendar. Leave this field blank to display the reservation's user name as the title (which is the default behaviour).

Date:  Today | 
Time:  Now | 

Note: You are 4 hours ahead of server time.

Any time a reservation is moved or resized, the old reservation is cancelled and a new reservation with updated information takes its place. This field links the old reservation to the new one, so the history of reservation moves & changes can be easily tracked.