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Add tool

Select a parent tool to allow alternate usage
Create sub-categories using slashes. For example "Category 1/Sub-category 1".
The operation mode of the tool, which determines if reservations and wait list are allowed.
Check this box if qualifications for this tool should never expire (even if the tool qualification expiration feature is enabled).
Require that users have a current (within 15 minutes) reservation in order to use the tool
Number of minutes users have to logout of this tool after their reservation expired before being flagged and abuse email is sent (only applies if reservations are required for this tool).
Before using a tool, questions can be asked. This field will only accept JSON format
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Upon logging off a tool, questions can be asked such as how much consumables were used by the user. This field will only accept JSON format
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The core facility this tool belongs to. Used for billing purposes.

Additional Information

HTML syntax could be used
Serial Number
An image that represent the tool. Maximum width and height are 500px

Current state

Specifies whether this tool is visible to users.
Marking the tool non-operational will prevent users from using the tool.

Contact information

The staff member who is responsible for administration of this tool.
Alternate staff members who are responsible for administration of this tool when the primary owner is unavailable. Hold down “Control”, or “Command” on a Mac, to select more than one.
Superusers who can train users on this tool. Hold down “Control”, or “Command” on a Mac, to select more than one.
Messages that relate to this tool (such as comments, problems, and shutdowns) will be forwarded to this email address. This can be a normal email address or a mailing list address.


Users who can approve/deny adjustment requests for this tool. Defaults to facility managers if left blank. Hold down “Control”, or “Command” on a Mac, to select more than one.
Users who can approve/deny shadowing verification for this tool. Defaults to facility managers if left blank. Hold down “Control”, or “Command” on a Mac, to select more than one.


Users may create reservations this many days in advance. Leave this field blank to indicate that no reservation horizon exists for this tool.
The amount of time (in minutes) that a tool reservation may go unused before it is automatically marked as "missed" and hidden from the calendar. Usage can be from any user, regardless of who the reservation was originally created for. The cancellation process is triggered by a timed job on the web server.

Usage policy

Check this box to disable policy rules every day between the given times

 Now | 

Note: You are 4 hours ahead of server time.

The start time when policy rules should NOT be enforced

 Now | 

Note: You are 4 hours ahead of server time.

The end time when policy rules should NOT be enforced
Whether or not policy rules should be enforced on weekends
The minimum amount of time (in minutes) that a user must reserve this tool for a single reservation. Leave this field blank to indicate that no minimum usage block time exists for this tool.
The maximum amount of time (in minutes) that a user may reserve this tool for a single reservation. Leave this field blank to indicate that no maximum usage block time exists for this tool.
The maximum number of reservations a user may make per day for this tool.
The maximum number of reservations a user may make in the future for this tool.
The minimum amount of time (in minutes) that the same user must have between any two reservations for this tool.
The maximum amount of time (in minutes) that a user may reserve from the current time onwards.

Area Access

Indicates that this tool is physically located in a billable area and requires an active area access record in order to be operated.
The designated physical access level is granted to the user upon qualification for this tool.
Badge reader access is granted to the user upon qualification for this tool.
Granting physical access or badge reader access will only apply to the selected qualification levels. If left empty it will apply to all qualification levels. Hold down “Control”, or “Command” on a Mac, to select more than one.
[Optional] Maximum delay in minutes that users may enter upon logging off before another user may use the tool. Some tools require "spin-down" or cleaning time after use. Leave blank to disable.
Check this box to ask the user if they want to log out of the area when they are done using the tool.


Available Required resources

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Available Nonrequired resources

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Chosen Nonrequired resources

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Shadowing Verification

Allow users to request qualification on this tool through shadowing verification.
Qualification Levels that users can request on this tool through shadowing verification. Hold down “Control”, or “Command” on a Mac, to select more than one.