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You can customize portions of NEMO-CE to suit your organization's needs.

Login banner

The login banner is an informational message displayed underneath the username and password text boxes on the login page. You can customize this to convey rules for NEMO-CE users at your organization.

"Facility failed login" message

This message is displayed after authentication when either no matching username could be found in the database or if that user has been deactivated.
The HTML you upload is rendered with the Django template engine. You can use JavaScript (including jQuery) within the message.

Introduction for "Safety suggestions and observations" page

What would you like everyone to know about safety policy and procedures? This introduction will be presented at the top of the safety page. You can use HTML to modify the look of the text.

"Facility rules tutorial" page

The facility rules tutorial is an opportunity to provide new users with a tutorial to your facility operating procedures and rules.
The HTML you upload is rendered with the Django template engine. You can use JavaScript (including jQuery) within the page.

  • The form should include {% csrf_token %} inside the form tags.
  • Completion of the HTML form should be POSTed to "{% url 'facility_rules' %}" (exactly as is).

Upon completion, the user's "facility rules tutorial required" attribute is set to false, and they are able to make reservations and control tools.

"Jumbotron" watermark

This image is displayed as background for the Jumbotron. It is set as a full background screen, so your image needs to take that into account.
The image you upload should be a valid image file (recommended size is 1500x1000).

Access request notification email

This email is sent to the person who created the request when an access request is created or updated. The other users present on the request as well as the reviewers are cc'ed.

The following context variables are provided when the email is rendered:

  • template_color - the color: green if approved, red if denied, blue otherwise
  • access_request - the user's access request that was created or updated
  • status - the status of the request: received, updated, approved or denied
  • access_requests_url - the URL to the access requests page

Adjustment request notification email

This email is sent to the person who created the request when an adjustment request is created or updated. Reviewers are cc'ed.

When an adjustment request is approved it is also sent to the User Office

The following context variables are provided when the email is rendered:

  • template_color - the color: green if approved, red if denied, blue otherwise
  • adjustment_request - the user's adjustment request that was created or updated
  • status - the status of the request: received, updated, approved or denied
  • adjustment_requests_url - the URL to the adjustment requests page
  • manager_note - an extra (optional) note from the manager sent to the user when the request is denied or to the user office when it is approved
  • user_office - a flag that is true when the email is addressed to the User Office

Tool wait list notification email

This email is sent to a person in a wait list when their turn to use the tool has arrived.

The following context variables are provided when the email is rendered:

  • user - the user in the wait list
  • tool - the tool that the user is in the wait list for
  • time_to_expiration - the time left for the user to use the tool

Cancellation email

This email is sent to a user when a staff member cancels the user's reservation. The following context variables are provided when the email is rendered:

  • reservation - the user's reservation that was cancelled
  • staff_member - the user object of the staff member who cancelled the reservation
  • reason - the reason the staff member provided for cancelling the reservation

Counter threshold reached email

This email is sent to the counter's warning email when the value of an counter reaches the warning threshold. The following context variables are provided when the email is rendered:

  • counter - the counter which value reached the warning threshold

Feedback email

This email is sent when a user submits feedback. The feedback email address (at the top of this page) must also be configured for users to be able to do this. The following context variables are provided when the email is rendered:

  • contents - the user's feedback
  • user - the user object of the user who submitted the feedback

Generic email

A generic email that can be sent to qualified tool users, members of an account, or members of a project. Send these using the email broadcast page. The following context variables are provided when the email is rendered:

  • title - the user specified title of the email
  • greeting - a greeting to the recipients of the email
  • contents - the body of the email
  • template_color - the color to emphasize

Missed reservation email

This email is sent when a user misses a reservation. If a tool is not used for an amount of time after the user's reservation has begun, it is marked as missed and removed from the calendar. The following context variables are provided when the email is rendered:

  • reservation - the reservation that the user missed

Facility rules tutorial email

This email is sent when a user completes the facility rules tutorial. It can contain a free-response answer (quiz question). If you do not upload a template then no notification email is sent to staff when a user completes the training tutorial. The following context variables are provided when the email is rendered:

  • user - the user's model instance
  • making_reservations_rule_summary - a free-response answer provided by the user. Normally, this is provided by the user to summarize their understanding of the Facility rules and proceedures.

New task email

This email is sent when a new maintenance task is created for a tool. The following context variables are provided when the email is rendered:

  • user - the user who created the task
  • task - the task information
  • tool - the tool that the task is associated with
  • tool_control_absolute_url - the URL of the tool control page for the tool
  • template_color - an HTML color code indicating the severity of the problem. Orange for warning, red for shutdown.

Out of time reservation email

This email is sent when a user is still logged in an area but his reservation expired. A grace period can be set when configuring the area. The following context variables are provided when the email is rendered:

  • reservation - the reservation that the user is out of time on

Recurring charges reminder email

This email is sent to users at configurable days (defaults to one week) before they are charged for recurring charges. The following context variables are provided when the email is rendered:

  • user - the user who is assigned to the items
  • charges - the list of recurring charges
  • reminder_days - the number of days until the items are charged

Reorder supplies reminder email

This email is sent to the item's reminder email when the quantity of an item falls below the reminder threshold and should be reordered. The following context variables are provided when the email is rendered:

  • item - the item which quantity fell below the reminder threshold

Reservation ending reminder email

This email is sent to a user that is logged in an area 30 and 15 minutes before their area reservation ends. The following context variables are provided when the email is rendered:

  • reservation - the user's reservation ending

Reservation reminder email

This email is sent to a user two hours before their tool/area reservation begins. The reservation warning email must also exist for this email to be sent. The following context variables are provided when the email is rendered:

  • reservation - the user's upcoming reservation

Reservation warning email

This email is sent to a user two hours before their tool/area reservation begins and maintenance may interfere with the upcoming reservation. The reservation reminder email must also exist for this email to be sent. The following context variables are provided when the email is rendered:

  • reservation - the user's upcoming reservation
  • fatal_error - boolean value that, when true, indicates that it will be impossible for the user to use the tool/access the area during their reservation (due to maintenance, outages or a missing required dependency)
  • template_color - an HTML color code indicating the severity of the problem. Orange for warning, red for shutdown.

Safety issue email

This email is sent when a new maintenance task is created for a tool. The following context variables are provided when the email is rendered:

  • issue - the issue information
  • issue_absolute_url - the URL for the detailed view of the issue

Scheduled outage reminder email

This email is periodically sent to the reminder email(s) set on the scheduled outage. The following context variables are provided when the email is rendered:

  • outage - the upcoming scheduled outage

Staff charge reminder email

This email is periodically sent to remind staff that they are charging a user for staff time. The following context variables are provided when the email is rendered:

  • staff_charge - the staff charge that is in progress

Task status notification email

This email is sent when a tool task has be updated and set to a particular state. The following context variables are provided when the email is rendered:

  • template_color - the color to emphasize
  • title - a title indicating that the message is a task status notification
  • task - the task that was updated
  • status_message - the current status message for the task
  • notification_message - the notification message that is configured (via the admin site) for the status
  • tool_control_absolute_url - the URL of the tool control page for the task

Tool qualification expiration email

This email is sent to the user, tool owner & backup owners and facility managers when a tool qualification is about to expire (reminder) or expired. The following context variables are provided when the email is rendered:

  • remaining_days - the number of days left before the qualification expires. This variable is only provided when a reminder is sent
  • expiration_date - the date the tool qualification expires
  • user - the user whose qualification is expiring
  • tool - the tool whose qualification is expiring
  • last_tool_use - the last time the tool was used. Blank if the user never used the tool
  • qualification_date - the time the user was last qualified on that tool

Training invitation received email

This email is sent when users are invited to a training session.

The following context variables are provided when the email is rendered:

  • training_invitation - the training invitation being sent

Training invitation declined email

This email is sent when a user declines an invitation to a training session.

The following context variables are provided when the email is rendered:

  • training_invitation - the training invitation being declined
  • reason - the optional reason/message provided by the user

Training request submitted email

This email is sent to all trainers of a tool when a training request is submitted.

The following context variables are provided when the email is rendered:

  • training_request - the training request being submitted

Training session cancelled email

This email is sent to all attendees of a training session when it is cancelled.

The following context variables are provided when the email is rendered:

  • user - the training attendee
  • training_session - the training session being cancelled
  • reason - the cancellation reason

Grant access email

This email is sent by the timed service send_email_grant_access when users are qualified on tools which have the grant_badge_reader_access_upon_qualification set. If enabled in Tool Customizations, same feature is extended to physical_access_level_upon_qualification field.

The following context variables are provided when the email is rendered:

  • badge_reader_users - the dictionary containing new badge reader access qualifications (key = name of badge reader, value = list of users)
  • physical_access_users - the dictionary containing new badge reader access qualifications (key = name of physical access, value = list of users)

Tool required unanswered questions email

This email is sent to users when someone forces them off a tool and there were unanswered, required, post usage questions.

The following context variables are provided when the email is rendered:

  • user - the user who was using the tool
  • tool - the tool the user was using
  • questions - the questions the user needs to answer

Unauthorized tool access email

This email is sent when a user tries to access a tool:

  • without being logged in to the area in which the tool resides (type 'area-access'), if area access is required.
  • without having a current area reservation (type 'area-reservation'), if area access is required.
  • without having a current tool reservation (type 'tool-reservation'), if tool reservation is required.

The following context variables are provided when the email is rendered:

  • operator - the person who attempted to use the tool
  • tool - the tool that the user was denied access to
  • type - the type of abuse ('area-access', 'area-reservation' or `tool-reservation')

Usage reminder email

This email is periodically sent to remind a user that they have a tool enabled. The following context variables are provided when the email is rendered:

  • user - the user who is using a tool or logged in to an area
  • resources_in_use - the resources the user is still using/logged in to (tools or areas)

User access expiration reminder email

This email is periodically sent to remind a user that their access is expiring. The following context variables are provided when the email is rendered:

  • user - the user whose access is expiring
  • remaining_days - the remaining days before the access expires

User reservation created email

This email is sent to a user when the user creates a reservation and has opted to receive ics calendar notification in his preferences.
This is optional, the email will still be sent with only the calendar attachment if this is left blank.

The following context variables are provided when the email is rendered:

  • reservation - the user's reservation that was created

User reservation cancelled email

This email is sent to a user when the user cancels his own reservation and has opted to receive ics calendar notification in his preferences.
This is optional, the email will still be sent with only the calendar attachment if this is left blank.

The following context variables are provided when the email is rendered:

  • reservation - the user's reservation that was cancelled

Weekend access notification email

This email is sent to the weekend access notification email(s) as well as the facility manager(s) when:

  • there is at least one approved access request that includes weekend time during the current week. (The email is sent when the first weekend access request is approved).
  • there are no approved access requests that include weekend time during the current week. (the email is sent on the cutoff day at the cutoff hour provided in the user requests settings above).

The following context variables are provided when the email is rendered:

  • weekend_access - true/false, whether there are approved weekend access requests for the current week.

Shadowing Verification notification email

This email is sent to the person who created the request when a shadowing verification is created or updated. Facility managers are cc'ed.

The following context variables are provided when the email is rendered:

  • template_color - the color: green if approved, red if denied, blue otherwise
  • shadowing_verification - the user's shadowing verification that was created or updated
  • status - the status of the request: received, updated, approved or denied
  • shadowing_verification_url - the URL to the shadowing verifications page